『No wise man ever wished to be younger. 』(Jonathan Swift)
今日の5分間ラジオ、スペインのマジョリカ島への観光地の話と教会 今日の英語4センテンス See you then. Thanks for your call. Saturday sounds good. Let's meet at the ticket gate. You sound like an----.
今日の英語6センテンス It gives off a ----. The dragonfly is laying eggs. Moths and butterflies have many things in common. Flies can transmit---. What train line is that ? Can you get him ?
『No wise man ever wished to be younger. 』(Jonathan Swift)
今日の英語6センテンス In lover is showing now. That' ll be $20 even. Who is this? We're on our way. We have a reservation but we are running late. It'll take about---.